Friday, July 26, 2013


Jesus said to his disciples: “Blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear." (Matthew 13:16)
The Lord blessed my eyes that I may see. He made me go to my brother's house to see for myself that real situation of their lives today. My two brothers are both currently in a tight fixed but my youngest brother is the one who needed help most.
The Lord blessed my ears that I may hear. After visiting the house of my eldest brother, I entered the neighboring house of my youngest brother and listened to what he has to say. He is unemployed and his family lacks food in their table. His electric bill has accumulated and will be cut off. His children could not go to school for lack of allowance. All these, the Lord made me see and hear. He brought me here for a reason and that is to be Jesus to my brother. With God's graces and blessings I just received, I immediately shared them to my brother to settle his problems.
Lord, thank you so much for blessing me to be an instrument of your love, compassion, and generosity. You made me see and hear at the precise moment when others badly needs your help. Not only have you blessed me with your abundant graces but moreover made me a blessing to others as well. May you continue to use me as your eyes and ears, always ready to extend a helping hand out of love and compassion. With much thanksgiving and praise I pray in Jesus Name. Amen.