Saturday, October 14, 2023

Listen and Live Out the Word of God

He replied, “Rather, blessed are those 
who hear the word of God and observe it.” 
LUKE 11:28

Jesus Christ is the word made flesh who works mightily in you so that you may believe that He is your Lord and Savior. The power of His works is in His Word. His word is always the beginning of all works. 

The works of the Lord is the fulfillment of His word. Do everything the Lord tells you and you will be blessed. True blessedness comes from within. It is not measured in terms of fame and fortune as other people attribute them to be. It comes from the heart that readily responds to the works of the Lord.

Lord Jesus, You showed us how important it is to follow God’s will more than anything else in life, even at the expense of our human bonds. Thank You so much for guiding me with Your word and instructions every step of the way.

Today, I humbly ask and pray for the gift of wisdom, discernment, and understanding. Keep my mind and heart focused on Your word that gives life and meaning to my day. Help me to live a daily life that is in accordance with the Father's will and purpose. May we learn from and follow Your example.

You have said, "whoever is for You is not against You". Your word says it all. I am truly blessed to hear Your word each day and to act upon it is a bonus blessing.  I believed that I am truly blessed because of Your presence in me who is the very word that was made flesh. 

I do confess that in times past, I too was quite confused on who You really are but in the goodness and graces of the Father, I was drawn close to You. You have opened my eyes to the truth that You are my Lord and Savior and no one can come to the Father except through You. You are everything to me. May Your mighty Name as our Lord and Savior be in the hearts of all the peoples of the world that will truly bring praise and glory to the Father. 

With much love and thanksgiving I pray in Your mighty Name. Amen.